Pricing And Payment Options

Control Your Taylor Energy Heating Oil And Propane Costs Your Way!

Taylor Energy is committed to making sure that having heating oil and propane in your Hartford or Tolland County home is easy and worry-free. That is why we offer Automatic Delivery and wireless propane tank monitoring — so you don’t have to do a thing to get the fuel you need when you need it.

It’s also why we offer multiple pricing and payment options for your propane and heating oil. You can choose the ones that best fit how you choose to manage your heating oil and propane costs.


Roughly 90 percent of the heating oil used in this country is consumed in the Northeast. The demand from homes in our part of the country profoundly impacts the price of heating oil. This is why you’ll often see prices spike when we have an extremely icy winter.

Heating oil is also subject to the global variables that affect almost all energy, including refinery capacity, international demand, global conflicts and market speculation.

There are also local factors at play, like operational costs and competition between local businesses. Even so, Taylor Energy always works hard to provide fair and transparent pricing for our heating oil.


Propane is a co-product of natural gas extraction and oil refining. As such, its price is somewhat tied to those fuels. Propane prices can also be affected by residential and commercial demand. A cold winter season can cause home heating demand to rise (and also increase transportation costs). Similarly, a rainy growing season may cause farms to use more propane to dry crops, further increasing demand.

The good news is that nearly all the propane used in the U.S. is produced domestically. This means that propane’s price is generally stabler than other energy sources.


One of the biggest challenges that come with managing your fuel costs is that they change from month to month, with bigger spikes during the heating season.
With the Taylor Energy Budget Plan, your propane and heating oil costs are spread out over 11 easy, even installments

You know how much you’ll be paying every month, so your household budget isn’t thrown for a loop with a large bill just when you don’t need it, like during the holidays and tax season.


We have seen in recent years how fast fuel prices can go up. When that happens, especially during cold weather, you can feel the pinch in your wallet.

Price Cap gets rid of that pinch! Before the heating season, you sign up for Price Cap and agree to a capped price for your propane or heating oil. No matter what happens that winter, your price per gallon will NEVER go above the capped price! It’s the ultimate in stability and protection.


Heating oil customers can leave worries about global oil markets and their impact on heating oil prices behind with PreBuy! You purchase your heating oil for the winter ahead of time, it’s delivered when you need it, and you’re off the hook for heating oil costs for the winter.

Do you have questions about our pricing and payment options? Get in touch with us and we’ll answer them and make it easy for you to sign up for any you want!